Results of the ROLE Essay Competition 2023

Thank you to all contestants for your stunning work and participation in the ROLE Essay Competition 2023!
The Competition received an overwhelming and record-high response this year, we are delighted to see that many students are interested in exploring the different components and core values of the rule of law and how they are trying to apply the principles in their daily lives. We are also impressed by the creativity and ingenuity demonstrated by all of the entrants.
After a tough judging process, we have selected the Champion, 1st Runner-up, 2nd Runner-up, and a list of Merit Runners-up for both the English and Chinese groups for the Competition based on the content, structure, style of writing and creativity of the essays. Here are the results:
- English Group -
SIU Yiu, Ilar
St Stephen's Girls College
"...Under the principle of rule of law, the law confines the power of authority, yet it is still men who make decisions and implement the rule in the context of the actual circumstances. No written rules can be precise enough to cover each and every possible situation. Rules are rigid but people are flexible, human nature possesses virtues like empathy and compassion which drive us to make sensible decisions..."
1st Runner-up
SUN Olivia
Renaissance College Hong Kong
" of the principles placed forth by Lord Bingham is that any adjudicative procedures should be fair, and those with power conferred on them should exercise them in good faith. My third suggestion thus concerns preventing any forms of power abuse, such as in the case of dealing with student misconduct, much like how even those being prosecuted for a crime must have their rights protected...I suggest that punishments on the heavier side (close to what the legal system considers indictable offenses) should be administered not just by one independent teacher, but at least reviewed by a higher authority (such as a principal or head of year) and a committee made of several teachers, similar to how the legal system is moulded with restrictions placed on those that exercise power. In this case, it is to prevent Individual teachers from using their position to act insensibly or unreasonably, thus upholding the rule of law..."
2nd Runner-up
WONG Ying Kwan
St Stephen's Girls College
"...Students realise that rules are somewhat restricting, but often disregard the freedom granted. I think this is the most overlooked point. Using the the no-phones policy as an example, we can see that restriction exists to some extent; however, the fact that they are allowed to use other electronic devices for academic purposes shows that they have the choice to use such devices to facilitate learning. The school prohibits the use of phones on school campuses to create a distraction-free environment; but at the same time grants us the right to use substitutes for learning. The rights and obligations are interwoven into the law, and neither side should be overlooked..."
Merit Runners-up
CAO Jichen, Jackson (Shung Tak Catholic English College)
CHAN Wing Yan, Dorothy (St. Paul’s Convent School (Secondary Section))
CHAN Yee Nam, Nicole (Po Leung Kuk Ngan Po Ling College)
CHUNG Lok Yin, Lachlan (Sha Tin College)
HSU Tian Cheng, Owen (Yew Chung International School)
KWAN Ka Man (Diocesan Girls’ School)
LAM Kwun Hang (Sing Yin Secondary School)
LEE Cheuk Lam (St. Paul’s Convent School (Secondary Section))
MA Vanessa (St. Paul’s Co-educational College)
RODRIGUES, Nicole Lynn (Discovery College)
TING Angeline Ying Qi (St. Stephen’s Girls’ College)
WILLIAMS, Brian Morgan (Wah Yan College, Kowloon)
WONG, Dorothy (Renaissance College Hong Kong)
YAP Chun Yin, Alex (La Salle College)
- Chinese Group -
「 在制定、修改或解釋學校規則時,學生應有透明度和參與制定過程的權利。例如校方可恆常地舉辦訓導組研討會,由學生會先於同學之間收集對校規的疑問或意見,再代表全體同學向訓導組老師諮詢。例如:禁止校園戀愛是否已經不合時宜?如是者,學生對校規的一些迷思能夠得以消除,學校高層也能藉著交流聆聽學生的聲音,並反思某些規則是否適用依舊。學校高層亦可在研討會上公布初步構思的校規。除了某些與社會法律(例如禁止偷竊、打架)相關的校規外,其他的將由全體學生投票,決定最終是否落實。如此一來,同學定必更加熟悉校規內容,亦能夠參與制定保障美好校園生活的規則。」
陳兆澧 (東華三院甲寅年總理中學)
蔡紀葶 (保良局顏寶鈴書院)
高依婕 (賽馬會萬鈞毅智書院)
黎雨蕎 (賽馬會萬鈞毅智書院)
梁嘉怡 (拔萃女書院)
董堡茵 (賽馬會萬鈞毅智書院)
王易 (保良局羅傑承(一九八三)中學)
Congratulations to all the winners! We will be in touch shortly to arrange your prize and reward.
We also wish to express our gratitude to the judges' panel and all participants who helped make the Competition a great success.
We sincerely hope that you will sustain your interests in learning more about the rule of law, and we look forward to your future contribution!
Should there be any enquiries, please contact us at